September Projects

September Projects

I am going to need a pass for September projects, that was a crazy month I am just glad to have survived.  The first week was tied up with finishing grad school; we finished the capstone project, and gave the presentation on the 5th.  The project was an online project management system designed specifically for my company; it turned out really awesome.  My birthday was halfway through the month, and food prep for the party took the better part of a week. I did a website for my SoCal work cohort,  And then I had a website rollout for some of my favorite clients; they are doing a bookazine full of cool ideas, projects, and more (right up my alley, right??)  Their site,, launched sometime in September (that's how foggy September is to me, I can't even remember when exactly!), and they have already been selling a number of subscriptions, which makes me so happy. It's so nice to see my friends succeed at doing what they love.   So stop by their website and see their stuff, because I said so. : )

I made some progress on the 10 year sweater; if you remember, it was barely creeping along in July:

Then I realized I was HATING the purling (which is every other pass across), and googled to find a better way, and discovered I was doing it backwards AND with crappy technique. Once I got that sorted out, and adopted and adjusted to a new technique, it started going MUCH faster, and I finally made good progress:

I actually finished this piece, which is the back piece. The others should all go faster, since they are smaller, and since I'm finally getting a good rhythm down. Part of what makes this so slow going is the needle size; I'm using extra small needles to get a fine knit to the sweater, unlike the last sweater I did.

I'll keep working on it, but I've been working on other projects in the meantime; I finished the second chemo cap to donate to Knots of Love:

And then, I made some baby hats for a friend's baby shower. I can't wait to see them on the actual baby!

These are great because they don't take up a lot of yarn, and are good for using up leftovers from other projects. And they are smaller, so they only take a few nights each. Plus they are just ridiculously cute. The hard part is narrowing down just WHICH cute hat to make, there are so many clever ideas out there!

I did sew a bit in September; I made a medieval bliaut for a friend that I didn't even get pictures of. It looks fantastic on her, though, yay! And then I started the black evening gown, which I didn't finish until October. So mostly my sewing machine got to take a break!

Wow, I can't believe that's all I got done! Luckily, October is already turning out to be more productive. : )





debra roset
Is that a pumpkin hat????? I don't suppose I could squeeze my big head into it ;-( I ADORE pumpkins! !! <3
hahaha, me too! I think there are directions fora adult size, how fun would that be??? : )

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