So, in my quest to spend as little money as possible on food, I have been exploring some of the 50's comfort foods.  I have made tuna casserole and NAILED the perfect recipe, which I am committing to my personal cookbook in process on  I also found the best EVER macaroni and cheese recipe from the Food Network, which I promptly modified, and that too will also be in the new cookbook.  The original recipe called for a touch of hot sauce; I presume they meant a standard Tabasco or table hot sauce; I used Thai HOT chili sauce, and the flavor was really interesting - the boy love

After watching a few shows the other day on Food Network about comfort foods, I started making plans to make some of them, like macaroni and cheese, tuna casserole, spaghetti.  I'm a huge fan of comfort food; I just also happen to really enjoy cooking fancier foods, and ethnic foods.  My cravings normally dictate my meal plans. I will see something on FN that will catch my eye; then I will comb through cookbooks, and before I know it, I'm off on a new food path.

I took a ballet class at a new studio, it so rocked.  I would have preferred a more beginning class, because it's been at least a year and a half since I've taken a class, but the only adult class that fits into my schedule is the intermediate class, and so...  I actually did much better than I would have thought. Thank god for muscle memory.  When the teacher called out tombe, pas de bourre, glissade, glissade, assemble... I just DID it. I mean, my brain was still trying to figure out how the hell the pas de bourre went, but my legs were already DOING it.  So bizzarre.

So, I've been on this Julia Child kick. For the uninitiated, JC's recipes are basically a heart attack waiting to happen.  Everything, regardless of what it is, requires at least half a pound of butter and 2 egg yolks.  Everything.  Well, maybe not everything.  I made Moelleux au Chocolate (little chocolate lava cakes); they called for a stick and a half of butter, 3 eggs, 6 oz of chocolate, sugar, and a small amount of flour.  Oh, and extra butter for the ramekins. I made 3 cakes.

I started dating someone a month ago. (and omg, I feel so funny having to come out of the closet as a  STRAIGHT girl, which is so bizarre in and of itself, but yes, I'm dating a HE.  It DOES happen, you know! Nothing to see here, move along...) He's a typical bachelor,  eating out all the time.  In his defense, he's pretty busy, and doesn't have time to cook.  But, still, Jack in the Box is not one of the four major food groups. So, I broke my usual I-won't-cook-for-anyone-rule and I made dinner for him one night, very early in our dating.  Like week two.  I know, props, right?

After having worked on it off and on for 5 months, it is finally finished. I still have to sew the eyelets, but it is wearable.  And, it turns out I don’t hate it as much as I thought I would, after spending all that time on it.  :)

finally got the sleeves done on the gown. I pulled the old linings out, replaced them with new velvet linings, pulled the velvet linings out, cut down the sleeve shell to bet fit the smaller velvet linings, and sewed the upper linings to the bodice lining. Whew!   I also made some repairs to the lining where I had adjusted the shoulder seams.

I know, I have to stop this, but I can't.  It's an illness.  And people are feeding it.  I have another item to add to the "You can sell anything on the internet" list...  Are you ready?

So, I was doing god-knows-what on the internet, and my eye was caught by one of the those damned advertisements on the side of the webpage.   I'm not even sure what site it was on, it's not like I look at veggie porn...

Magic Veggie Set

Check it out - you can CUT them using the little plastic knife.  You have to cut them on the little cutting board, which is ironic, since how much damage can that little plastic knife do?

Okay, after multiple times of pleating the skirt and attaching it, then removing it, I think I finally got it right.  The front sections are pleated normally, and the back is cartridge pleated with 18 pleats. (The Tudor Tailor recommended only 8 pleats, but I noticed that that creates odd angles about a foot below the pleats from the excess fabric, and I didn't like how that looked.)  I will also likely wear a jeweled belt or ribbon at the waistline, although the pleats are well done and it would like fine without.


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