
Project Cyan is finally undergoing a major website redesign! Please bear with me as I get things sorted out and rearranged.  I'm excited to finally have a place to consolidate  my blogs, my costuming, my website design portfolio, and anything else I feel like putting up.  

I imported all my previous blogs from WordPress, and did quite a bit of customizing on the displays on this site, so I have to go back through the older blog entries and fix the pictures so everything looks consistent. I am sure this is going to take some time! But in the end, it's all so worth it, I love this new site and all of the new features. : ) 



Recent Posts:

I don't know who thought to add bacon to a Chinese dish like fried rice, but they are BRILLIANT.  I came across the recipe somehow, and couldn't get the concept out of my head. The only question was what to pair it with.   I settled on a chicken chop suey, just because that is as un-Chinese as bacon fried rice.

Bisque. Bisque. Bisk.  What the hell is a bisque? I always thought it was a super fancy soup found only in restaurants, some enigmatic but amazing dish with complex ingredients and techniques.  Turns out bisque is just soup, albeit a slightly thicker soup. Technically, a french soup with a stock made from crustaceans, highly seasoned, thickened by pureeing, and finished with cream. Bisque is a magical soup. It has a warmth that transcends the  simplicity of soup; and a richness that makes it special.

I love banh mi, the Vietnamese sandwiches that pair spicy pork, cool pickled vegetables, mayo, and a baguette.  But, because I eat primal most of the time, I wanted to find a way to eat the banh mi without the guilt AND without the gluten. Enter the corn tortilla. If I can do Korean fusion tacos, why not Vietnamese?

Before I started the taco components, I made the sauce for chili wings, tossed it with some wings I had on hand, and put them in the oven to roast.

The only reason I normally make my tortillas from scratch is because I can, and also because what in the hell would I do with a pack of 4 million tortillas?? Is it SO hard to sell tortillas in smaller quantities? I HATE waste. So I make my tortillas in smaller quantities. But lately, I've had neither the time nor the energy to invest in making them from scratch, and I figured I would rather throw away a dollar's worth of unused tortillas than spend an hour in the hot kitchen making them.

So, once again, I feel like I didn't get much done in June, mostly because I have more projects in my queue than I have actually finished projects! This spring and summer has been challenging for me both time-wise and focusability-wise; between a major website development project at work and the capstone to finish my master's, and I just haven't had a lot of whatever it takes to get more complicated projects done.


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