
Project Cyan is finally undergoing a major website redesign! Please bear with me as I get things sorted out and rearranged.  I'm excited to finally have a place to consolidate  my blogs, my costuming, my website design portfolio, and anything else I feel like putting up.  

I imported all my previous blogs from WordPress, and did quite a bit of customizing on the displays on this site, so I have to go back through the older blog entries and fix the pictures so everything looks consistent. I am sure this is going to take some time! But in the end, it's all so worth it, I love this new site and all of the new features. : ) 



Recent Posts:

I have been furiously working on websites for work, and two are in the final stages, which means the pressure is on and I am furiously trying to get them wrapped up. Which also means that I have been chained to my desk, and daily trips to the grocery store for fun are O-U-T out. I'm lucky now to make it twice a week, which is horrifying, to say the least.  When I do get to a store, I end up buying anything that is a good buy or readily usable, and also ingredients I can use in multiple dishes so I can stretch it further.

I love fresh produce. The colors and smells are so vibrant and happy. Standing in the middle of the produce department at my favorite wholesale produce market, I am in heaven. Literally. Aisle after aisle after aisle of produce, from normal run of the mill iceberg lettuce and mushrooms to more exotic things like fresh almonds still in their husk, fresh fava beans, yuca root, daikon radish, and a million other things to inspire any food lover.  And by inspire, I mean make any food lover buy WAY more than they intended to.

There is something so comforting about breakfast for dinner.  Maybe because it signals a beginning to the day, which could be so full of potential.

I subscribe to a number of food newsletters, blogs, and facebook food-oriented feeds, and so I have a steady stream of ideas coming in.  But for an idea to take hold, I have to have some sort of connection with the dish - either a craving, a curiosity in an ingredient, technique, or overall dish; or a need to to use up an existing pantry item. In today's case, however, the connection started with a need to beat the heat, and when a newsletter featuring cool salads hit my inbox, I was all ears. Eyes. As it were.

I love martinis, they are my favorite drink.  They are classy and sharp flavored and full of personality. And they are just fun, in their fancy glasses with the olive garnish. So when I saw a recipe for martini chicken, I was instantly on board. The recipe is incredibly simple.  I took it a step further in is convenience by  sous viding a previously vacuum packed chicken breast I had in the freezer. Which is a good thing because I got extra wrapped up in work and didn't set it aside until late.


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